How Good Is Your Translation?
With my Lord Jesus, I am free to share my most private concerns. He will lift my load of guilt and show me a better path.

Problems? Try Pardon and Peace!
My Lord Jesus gives me that peace that endures. The hope that is the source of my joy!

The Royal Cure
There is nothing I can offer to compensate for my failings. Because my Lord Jesus paid that price, freely, willingly, completely!

Jesus, Lift My Load of Guilt!
“Oh, sure… give me that plate too… and the bowl… and the bread basket!” We watched in amazement as the busboy kept stacking dishes higher...

The Gift of Giving
“I really like that picture!” I wanted to show some kindness to the family that had taken in my Peace Corps daughter during her first...

Take the Fear Out of Failing!
“Another ‘F’? That’s the third quiz I’ve failed! I can’t fail Shakespeare in my final semester!” But the professor’s warning sounded...

Lord Jesus, Be My Guest!
“Christine, go into the bathroom and check the soap dish. Be sure there isn’t any dirt on the soap or in the dish and certainly no hair!”...

Pour it out! Pour it on!
“Eww! What’s with the sour milk? It’s not even the due date yet! Pour it down the drain and then run some water for awhile so the smell...

Where Does It Hurt?
“So on a scale of one to ten, how would you describe the pain in your knee?” “Two” The nurse and I exchanged wide-eyed wonderment. I...

Wants and Needs
“My goodness, Mom! How many kinds of ketchup do people need? And all of the barbecue sauce choices! Who needs all of this?” Our daughter...