Power Struggles
My Lord Jesus wants me to succeed in all I do in living my life just for Him!
Full Attention Please!
God so loved the world...the WHOLE world...that He gave His Son...His one and only Son...all that He had...my Lord Jesus!
Later Is NOW!
The life I NOW live, I live by faith in my Lord Jesus, who loves me so much that He gave His life for me!
Problems? Try Pardon and Peace!
My Lord Jesus gives me that peace that endures. The hope that is the source of my joy!
Clutter and Chaos
My Lord Jesus is the One who lays before me a new, joyful path!
Practicing Praise
When I struggle with words to praise my Lord Jesus, I sing: "Take joy, my King, in what You hear! May it be a sweet sound in Your ear!"
Imitators and the Real Thing
Each morning I ask my Lord Jesus to walk with me and help me through another day.
Serious Skirting
When I'm tired of skirting the issue of my sin, my Lord Jesus is right there to once more forgive me!
Titles and Servants
My Lord Jesus did not expect us to do what we couldn't do for ourselves...save our own souls.
Ambition and the "Zeal Zone"
I know with the help of my Lord Jesus I can be "in the zone" for Him. Striving to focus on His love to color everything I say and do!